Greed equates to excessive selfishness, a constant yearning
for more than you have, with no regard for community or thought about the
consequences of your choices.
The taxpayers of the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) agreed to pay more than
their fair share for fire protection ($129-147 per $100k assessment value) and
help the taxpayers of Williams Lake ($63-74 per $100k assessment value) pay for
their expensive firehouse.
The residents of the CRD need fire protection and the
taxpayers of Williams Lake need revenue to pay for their fire hall. Win-Win
right? Nope, this is not a win-win agreement, it is now turning into lose-win agreement, and
when you get a lose-win agreement,....everyone loses.
It seems that the City
of Williams Lake is just wanting more and more
and more cash. It’s not enough that the CRD taxpayers pay double what Williams Lake residents pay for fire protection, the city wants
This is not the spirit of community where the sum of the
whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts.
The consequences;
It is becoming obvious that the taxpayers of Williams Lake are
going to end up paying the whole cost of their over priced fire hall on their own.
The victims of these choices are the taxpayers of Williams Lake. By kissing
good bye $550,000 dollars a year in revenue contributed by the CRD to your
revenue stream for fire protection, WL residents will have less money for other
Williams Lake needs the CRD taxpayers revenue and they need us more
than we need them. Why, because the CRD taxpayers can go their own way, we can
do this, we have the ability to build a low-cost, effective VFD and do so for less than $100 per $100k assessment value.
The Cariboo RD can get a court injunction for Williams Lake
to provide fire protection until our VFD is built.
Williams Lake VFD will lose volunteer fire fighters, who
live in the Regional district, to the CRD VFD.
In the end the taxpayers of the CRD will be paying less and we will have complete direction of its fire hall, as opposed to no real input or
cost management.
Is Williams Lake really building a community of abundance
and fairness or are we dividing?
If you live in the Cariboo Regional District, You can complete the online version of the Survey here
Thank you for looking at my perspective and opinion. cheers.
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